
Invited Panelist at Wikipedia Zukunftskongress 2024

Nürnberg, Germany (June 2024)
I participated in a panel on How is the community changing? to discuss about the future of Wikipedia at the Wikipedia Zukunftskongress. (recording)

Talk at ICWSM 2024

Buffalo, NY (June 2024)
I gave a lecture for the tutorial Wikimedia data How-to: Using public data from Wikipedia and its sister projects for academic research at the 18th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. (slides)

Invited talk at EPFL

Lausanne, Switzerland (February 2024)
I gave a presentation on Research at the Wikimedia Foundation to advance knowledge equity hosted by the Data Science Lab at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. (event)

Invited talk at CMB

Berlin, Germany (June 2023)
I gave a presentation on Going down the rabbit hole: Understanding information seeking in Wikipedia as part of the Computational Social Science Seminar Series at Centre Marc Bloch.

Talk at FOSDEM 2023

Online (February, 2023)
I gave a presentation on Research at the service of free knowledge: Building open tools to support research on Wikimedia projects as part of the Open Research Tools and Technology devroom at the Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting. (recording, slides)

Invited talk at University of Cambridge

Online (March 2022)
I gave a presentation on Research at the Wikimedia Foundation: The Science of Knowledge Equity as part of the Cavendish QI Seminars hosted by the Cavendish Quantum Information Group and the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory. (recording)

Talk at Wikimania 2021

Online (August 2021)
I gave a lecture on Editing with machine learning: a case study on link recommendations (recording&slides) and ran a workshop on Indicators for the Wikimedia Projects (recording&slides) at Wikimania, the annual conference of the Wikimedia movement.

Keynote at PCNet 21

Online (June 2021)
I gave a presentation on The science of knowledge equity at the Wikimedia Foundation at the satellite workshop on political communication networks as part of Networks 21: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference. (event)

Invited talk at MPIWG

Berlin, Germany (June 2019)
I gave a presentation at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

Invited talk at CEU

Budapest, Hungary (March 2019)
I gave a presentation on The Role of Generative Models in Data-Driven Approaches to Complex Social Systems at the Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University. (event)

Invited talk at University of Bath

Bath, UK (March 2019)
I gave a presentation Statistical Physics approaches in Data Science at the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Talk at IC2S2 2018

Evanston, IL (July 2018)
Presentation at the 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science.

Invited talk at University of Sydney

Sydney, Australia (February 2018)
I gave two presentations to the Centre for Translational Data Science and the Centre for Complex Systems, respectively.

Invited talk at PNNL

Richland, WA (January 2018)
I gave a presentation on A Network Approach to Topic Models as part of the Computing@PNNL Seminar Series at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Invited talk at Statlang 2017

Warsaw, Poland (July, 2017)
I gave a presentation on From Universality to Variability in the Statistics of Word Frequencies using Generalized Entropies at the workshop Statistics of Languages: Theories and Experiments hosted by the Polish Academy of Sciences. (recording)

Talk at ISSID 2017

Warsaw, Poland (July 2017)
Presentation at the Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences.

Talk at IC2S2 2016

Evanston, IL (June 2016)
Presentation at the 2nd Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science.

Talk at NetSci-X 2016

Wrocław, Poland (January, 2016)
Presentation at the 2nd International School and Conference on Network Science.

Talk Granada Seminar 2015

Granada, Spain (June, 2016)
Presentation on Communities of words at the 13th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics.

Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2015

Berlin, Germany (March 2015)
Presentation at the 79th annual meeting of the German Physical Society.

Invited Talk at Dresden Center for Digital Linguistics

Dresden, Germany (July, 2014)
Presentation at the 4th day of corpuslinguistics and humanities at Dresden Center for Digital Linguistics.

Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2014

Dresden, Germany (March 2014)
Presentation at the 78th annual meeting of the German Physical Society.

Talk at DPG Spring Meeting 2013

Regensburg, Germany (March 2013)
Presentation at the 77th annual meeting of the German Physical Society.

Talk at EAS

Riezlern, Austria (February 2011)
Presentation at the workshop Extreme Atomic Systems.